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Seedling Cactus

Welcome to the wonderful world of cacti and succulents! 

These fascinating plants are known for their unique and quirky appearance, as well as their ability to thrive in harsh environments. Today, we're going to focus on seedlings and introduce you to some of the most amazing cacti and succulents you can nurture from seedling into an adult plant!


Peyote Seedling (Lophophora Williamsii)

This seedling is one of the most revered cacti in the world. The Peyote seedling, also known as Lophophora Williamsii, is native to the deserts of Mexico and Texas and is highly valued for its psychoactive properties. With its round, spineless body and delicate pink or white flowers, the Peyote seedling is a natural beauty. There are also many Lophophora subspecies, why not collect them all!


Trichocereus Pachanoi Seedling (AKA San Pedro)

Another amazing cactus seedling is the Trichocereus Pachanoi, also known as San Pedro. This cactus is native to the Andes Mountains in South America and is highly valued for its psychoactive properties. With its tall, columnar body and vibrant green colour, the Trichocereus Pachanoi seedling is a must-have for any cactus lover. 


5 x Trichocereus Pachanoi Seedlings (AKA San Pedro)


If you're looking for a group of Trichocereus Pachanoi seedlings, then look no further. This pack of five seedlings is perfect for those who want to create a stunning cactus garden. These seedlings are easy to grow and will thrive in a sunny location with well-draining soil. WIth the right care, the San Pedro cactus can grow 30cm per year!

10 x Trichocereus Pachanoi Seedlings (AKA San Pedro)

For those who want to create an even bigger cactus garden, this pack of ten Trichocereus Pachanoi seedlings is the perfect choice. With ten seedlings, you can create a stunning display of these amazing cacti. As the San Pedro cactus matures, it will display signature giant white flowers in bloom and if you’re lucky it may even grow a red fruit as the blooms wilt. Each San Pedro fruit can contain up to 1000 seeds each!

Ariocarpus Retusus Scheiw Seedling


This unique seedling is a must-have for any cactus enthusiast. The Ariocarpus Retusus Scheiw seedling is native to the deserts of Mexico and is known for its small, star-shaped body and delicate pink or white flowers. With its iconic appearance, the Ariocarpus Retusus Scheiw seedling is certain to be a conversation starter amongst cactus lovers.


Agave Megalodonta Seedling

This seedling is a very rare succulent that is native to Mexico and rarely available in the UK. The Agave Megalodonta seedling is known for its large, pale green-yellow leaves. It is also known as ‘Shark Tooth Agave’ as it is heavily armed with large white spines along the edges, resembling shark teeth. With its bold appearance, the Agave Megalodonta seedling is a perfect choice for those who want to grow a rare succulent into a statement piece.


Agave Americana Seedling

Another rare succulent is the Agave Americana, also known as Century plant because they live for 100 years and after this period they flower just once and die, leaving behind just seeds. This seedling is native to the deserts of Mexico and is known for its large, spiky leaves and striking yellow or white stripes. The Agave Americana seedling is a perfect choice for those who want an eye-catching succulent, which will hold a surprise for future generations!


So, whether you're looking for a unique seedling to add to your collection or you want to create a stunning cactus or succulent garden, there is a seedling for everyone! Shop with Desert Plants today and you’ll get free UK shipping on orders over £60. 


Check out our previous article here.

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